Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday Post September 7th 2018

What Do you Already Know?

  I have taken Info tech since grade 9. Throughout the course of these two years I have learned how to use:
  •  Adobe Animate and Pivot Animator for basic animations
  • Also I have learned basic Coding in Khan Academy
  • Modifying pictures and creating animations
  • MIT App Inventor for creating an Android App
  • I have done game journalism for games such as Subsistence, The Long Dark, and Minecraft

What Do you want to learn?
   This year in Infotech 11 would like to do a game journalism on games apart from surviving. Something I want to improve on is my animating and photo-shopping skills. I also would't mind doing some coding in Khan Academy. I would really love if we did game journalism for fortnite.

Image result for Photoshop

How Will Computers Fit into your Future?

Computers will fit into my future because I will need a computer for researching certain topics for school. Also it will fit in because I play games on my computer such as fortnite.

Image result for computer

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