Friday, September 14, 2018

Friday Post September 14th 2018

Image result for friday posts

1. Ctrl += zoom in. This can be used to get in depth with the picture.
2. Ctrl -= zoom out. This is used to get far away from the picture.
3. Ctrl j= make a new layer. This can be used to put stuff on a different layer so it is not all clumped up in one layer.
4.  C= Crop tool. This is used to trim or expand the edges of an image.\
5. G=Gradient tool. This creates a gradual blend between colors.
6. Ctrl S= Save tool. This is used to save your work so you don't accidentally delete it and have to restart

2.                                             Octopus

3. Photoshop tutorial: Brush Effect, Layer mask method

Image result for friday gif

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